What's New

February 21, 1998

I added the Rate My Page section, and I fixed up some pics.

February 8, 1998

I remodeled my page, yet again! and I added a Final Fantasy Poll.

January 7,1998

I updated my Music section. with about 25 new midi's.

January 5,1998

I renovated my main page. It's still the same, but it's in a different layout.

January 4,1998

I just added some JScript to my main page (at least something will be new everytime you visit!).

January 3,1998

I added an award page, my Locke's C@T AWARD, and I finally got my Fan Fic. Page done. I also just updated my Final Fantasy VII section.

December 27,1997

I added the World Map section

December 26, 1997

I added an editorial in my, new, Final Fantasy Insight page. I still haven't got around to updating the Final Fantasy, Misc. RPG, Fan Fiction, Shrines, and the World Map pages. So PLEASE CHECK BACK OFTEN!!!

December 24, 1997

I stopped updating my old site and moved what I wanted to keep of it here, AND I also gave it a TOTAL makeover, doesn't this place look so much better? Less pictures but it's more bright and organized. With some luck, and lots of work… maybe more people would come to my site.